Andrea Spada
Andrea Spada
The nerdy craftsman behind that mess...
Dec 19, 2018 2 min read

Os I Dared to be used to

In the beginning

As almost any guy of my ages, I started to deal with computers with a console - Commode64 and later Amiga 500 - then, naturally, went to Windows 1.0 and… you know, going though that mess that was Windows XP. After struggling with it as any other human in this planet, I switched to Linux as my OS for something like 12 years, from 2002. I also got it to work as a music workstation! That’s wasn’t easy at the time, I assure you… but my dream was a BeOS workstation, I confess! ;)


…I switched to OSX, which I used for 3 years. But, as I hadn’t moneys to buy a real mac - here in Brazil they are outrageously expensive… - I resort on the “hackintosh” way of life. Eventually, it became too difficult and unreliable, but that’s another story. It was while on a mac that I return to play games (That’s weird, because it seems that macs are really bad at regard. Anyway…) and, after my oldest son asked me to help him find a space simulator for its xbox, I discovered Elite Dangerous. At the time, there wasn’t yet an xbox version, so I couldn’t help him, but I deeply got enchanted by it, and I’ve been playing regularly since then: edsm and inara.

Finally, after an year or so…

…of ED playing, I switched to its Horizon update, just to discover that it do not work in macs and I can’t use it in a virtual machine. It’s when I started dual booting with the first version of Windows 10, which got my attention. I needn’t many hours to see that I could be more productive and, actually, have more freedom in regard the setup of the system in Windows 10 than in OSX. Eventually, I switched to it and now I’m an happy and proud user of a WSL powered Windows 10 workstation.